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Rediscover your favorite songs with Smartbeat, create your own music compositions, and make every journey unforgettable.
Learn the basics of music creation and start crafting your own melody with the app's interactive preview.
Select a genre from the collection and begin your creative journey. Choose your desired track from the extensive music library and discover the magic of music.
While creating your own music track,feel like you're a DJ when creating your own music. Unleash your musical talents and express your creativity with no limits.
Listen to your work with effects. Enjoy the rich sound experience offered by Smartbeat as you listen to this creation born from your own creativity.
Personalize the tracks in your special collection with drums, basses, melodies, vocals, and FX loops.
Transform each of your remixes into a unique performance using just your fingers. With DJ-inspired effects and advanced sound processing technology, create your own music.
Famous names in the music world are waiting for you at Smartbeat. Create your own musical journey by using the tracks.
Cihangir Aslan
Soul Stuff
Coming Soon...